Henry Treadway of New Jersey.

Burlington Court Book
A Record of Quaker Jurisprudence in West New Jersey
Pgs. 72 and 73
02 June 1687

Att a Special Court called and held on the Accompt of Henry Tradway the 23th 6th Mo. 1687. Robert Stacy, Edward Hunlike, James Marshall, Richard Basnett, John Wood, James Martin, William Myers, Justices Present.

Henry Tradway Indicted for haveing Carnall Copulation with his wifes daughter named Mary Driver.

Grand Jury Thomas Bowman, John Willis, William Stanley, Peter Jenings, Samuell OldAle, Thomas Gladwyn, Thomas Raper, Daniel England, John Kinsey, Abraham Seior, William Brightwen, Samuell Houghton, John Brown, Attested.

Howard Ward and Elizabeth Salsbury Attested and sent to the Grand Jury. Alsoe the examination and Confession of Mary Driver taken before the Justices belowe, sent to the Grand Jury and Mary Driver alsoe Attested and sent to them.

The Grand Jury finde the Bill. And alsoe the Grand Jury present the County for want to a Prison, upon the Comlaynt of the Sheriff. Alsoe the Grand Jury returne a Bill which is preferred to tehm concerning Henry Tradways uncivill actions with one Phillice Richards.

The Grand Jury returne Ignoramus upon the bill.

Upon the first bill being found by the Grand Jury Henry Tradway Arraigned pleads Guilty. And referrs himselfe to God and the Countrey.

Traverse Jury. Thomas Gardner senr., Henry Grubb, Seth Smith, Seth Hill, James Satterthwait, Johosaphat Legrave, Samuell Herrott, Francis Isley, John Herrott, John Smith, John Cornish, Benjamin Holt. Attested.

The Jury finde Henry Tradway Guilty upon the Evidence above.

And further the businesse and fact of said Mary Driver with Henry Tradway her father in Lawe appeareing by her owne Testimony and the Evidence appeares by her keeping her said fact secrett that Shee was willing and assented thereunto.

Whereupon said Mary Driver pleads Guilty And the Traverse Jury above said bring her in Guilty.

Thurla Sena preferrs a Bill of Complaynt against Henry Tradway on his owne behalfe, for the said Henryes abuse of him and declares and Attests in Court that hee is afraid of his life.

Elizabeth Salesbury upon her Attestation sayth that Henry Tradway said if hee could meet with the said Thurla that night (after hee had attempted to drawe up the said Thurla by the neck with a Rope) hee would either put him in the Creek or drowne him.

John Wood Attested sayth that to the best of his remembrance on the night of the 5th Mo. last Henry Tradway said that if the said Thurla came to his house, hee would scarr or affright him.

The Court adjourne to the 5th day next at the 10th hower in the forenoone.

(63, 1687) (5th day being 25th 6th Mo.) Henry Tradway and Mary Driver brought to the Barre.

The sentence of Court.

Henry Tradway – The Bench have Considered of the wickednesse of the Fact whereof by the Jury thou hast been found guilty: And for the same doe fyne thee Fifty pounds: And also order thee to pay and discharge all Court charges and all other reasonable expenses and charges that are occasioned by reason of thy fact. And alsoe that thou be kept in prison untill the same shall be paid and discharged.

Mary Driver – The Bench have Considered of the Lewdnesse in defyleing the Mothers bed, of which thou hast beene found guilty: And for the same doe order that tomorrowe being the 26th instant betweene the howers of Eleaven and Twelve in the forenoone, thou shall be severely whipt on thy naked back at a Carts Tayle from the house of John Cripps in this Towne to the River side and that thou shall have thirty Nyne stripes well laid on.

The Bench further order that as Concerning the Complaynt made by Thurla Sena against Henry Treadway: The said Henry Tradway shall remayne prisoner untill hee give sufficient security for his good behaviour: And for the abuse of the said boy and losse of tyme said Henry shall pay him twenty Shillings.