Henry Treadway of New Jersey Treadway Wills
John Groff
05 September 1816
New Jersey US Willis and Probate Records
Donated by Randy Treadway
State of New Jersey, County of Salem
I Daniel Garrison Surrog’t of the County of Salem do certify that on the twenty fifth day of September 1816 administration of the Goods, Chattles and credits, which were of John Groff late of the County of Salem who died intestate was granted by me to Garrett Groff of the County of Salem, who is duly authorized administer the same agreeably to law.
{Seal} Witness my hand and seal of office the twenty fifth day of September AD eighteen hundred and sixteen
Dan’l Garrison
The above named Garrett Groff entered into the usual Bond with Cornelius Johnson and William Groff his surities in the sum of three thousand dollars bearing even state herewith